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Search is no longer universal


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In the new Enpass (6.0.0) for Windows, search is no longer universal--I can't just search for a field or password. Now we have to manually select "Title", "Field", or "Passwords" before searching. Why has the useful functionality of universal search been downgraded? 

By the way, I have "Search in all items" checked in settings, but that doesn't seem to change anything. 

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Problem seems to exist with the MacOS version also. If I try to search on part of a word (ie first 3 letters) not all items come up... this is for all content other than passwords. Before the big update it used to work. Makes it difficult when you have a large DB of content.

Just to confirm I have "Search in all items" checked in settings also. 

Edited by maxim
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I have this same complaint.  Search should be everything.  It's nice to have an option I suppose, but I would just like it to search everything; title, fields and definitely usernames.  I believe this behavior (search everything by default) was present in Enpass 5.

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Just to reiterate, I find it quite a downgrade that the new update doesn't let us search everything, and now we have to choose the type of search we want to do. I don't think anyone likes having their search limited like this. I really hope the Enpass devs reconsider this change. 

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Thanks for this - working for me now :). Glad I found this.

I thinking the search dropdown options could be slightly clearer, perhaps something like: 'Titles only' and 'All fields except passwords'. Perhaps 'All fields except passwords' could be the default too!

Edited by kefa
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On 1/11/2019 at 12:12 PM, kefa said:

Thanks for this - working for me now :). Glad I found this.

I thinking the search dropdown options could be slightly clearer, perhaps something like: 'Titles only' and 'All fields except passwords'. Perhaps 'All fields except passwords' could be the default too!

+1 Agreed. Or, just have an option in settings that brings back the old search. 

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