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Posted (edited)

There is something really wrong happening when Enpass uses password audit for identical passwords. On any of my 4 devices I have different results (in total I have 4 vaults and all 4 are synced on every of the mentioned devices - so it's about the same conditions):


iPad - 8
iPhone - 40
Mac - 90
Linux PC - 2

None of them seems to be correct :S


Shows 3 groups of items, where 2 of them are correct (I have 3 items for one website with the same password on 3 different vaults and another 2 items for another website on 2 different vaults). And 1 item in an extra group (see the Mac issue below).

Linux PC:
Shows 2 groups of items, but one of it is not complete (see above, but for the first website there are only 2 items shown instead of 3).

Here it get's really confusing (just look at the screenshot):


A bit similar to my Mac, but here it is something different and very confusing, too. I have one item, where I store credential for multiple accounts. For each password this item contains, there is a group of identical passwords created and in this group besides the mentioned item is another item which contains exactly 0 (zero!) passwords. The only similarity these 2 items have: their names - e.g.: "abc" and "abc *xyz*".

I have at least another 2 items with the same credentials for 2 different websites, which are using the same database. Only my Mac shows them as identical besides all that crap with only 1 item per "group of identical passwords". Unfortunately none of the other devices, which seems to be closer to the correct result, is showing them.

I'm a bit upset as none of the Enpass apps on 3 different OS provides a correct result.


Furthermore: if there is an identical password found in 2 different items and was removed from 1 of those 2 items on some device, other devices do not remove it from the list (even after successful sync). 

Edited by xarekate

With the latest versions all the confusing behavior was solved, but I still have an issue with Enpass correctly handle the password audit feature.

I have at least another 2 items with the same credentials for 2 different websites, which are using the same database. Besides this I have 3 items for one account of a website with different usernames (but each item is stored in a different Enpass vault. With the current version none of the apps is listing these items having identical passwords!

  • xarekate changed the title to Password audit - identical
  • 1 year later...

I agree. There seem to be 2 issues. It appears that the 'Identical' Password Audit is not working correctly or consistently between devices AND there are numerous entries that only show one password being identical.

I am using one Vault and syncing 2 Windows 10 PCs and 1 Android Phone.

1st Win10 PC - 77 Identical
2nd Win10 PC - 87 Identical
Android Phone - 120 Identical

Also, most of these entries show 1 occurrence and should not show up in the Identical list since it should take at least 2 occurrences to be 'Identical'. Right?

The other Password Audit fields appears to count correctly, as best as I can tell. They are at least consistent between PC and Phone devices.

  • 2 months later...

I’ve signed up to the forum just to upvote this....

I’m a new EnPass user, and I too have this issue.

The identical section is just borked. 

a.  It can’t count. Shows 23, or 20 or 17 depending on which device you are on, but manual count shows 15 across all devices.

b.  I also have it showing 1 identical. How can one be identical.....it requires 2?

c.  2 that it shows are identical are in fact not. Different by 1 character. 


Hey @ProximusAl

Welcome to the forum!

Please share the following details so that we can investigate better-

  • On which device (along with OS version) are you using Enpass and having this issue?
  • Which Enpass version are you using on the same device?


  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

I have the samy issue here on android.

I fixed all identical passwords on windows and my android phone succesfully synced.

Android enpass menu says 4 identical passwords when I open it there are only 2 but they are not identical....

Tried to delete the cache but that didn't help. Any other way to refresh that list?


Edited by TREMOR

Hey All,

Thanks for notifying us about the issue.

We would like to share that the issue has been reproduced by the QA team. Now our Dev team is looking into this issue to resolve and hopefully, a fix will be available in the future update.

Thanks for your co-operation.

  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

I tried to exclude a password and it's in the audit excluded list.

But it's still showing on the audit identical. Can I rebuild this audit list?

Edited by TREMOR
Posted (edited)

I have 2 identical password that's correct but I did put them (both) on the audit exclusion list.

They are still showing up as identical.

Edited by TREMOR
  • 3 weeks later...
On 8/27/2020 at 3:48 PM, Garima Singh said:


We have found the problem and are now planning for the fix for it. We'll keep you posted on updates.


Problem fixed in windows now with newest release. I still have problems on Android.

But that's maybe because I can't create an exclusion rule on Android?



Thanks for sharing your feedback on the Windows platform. Our team has fixed this issue in the v6.5.2 release of Enpass for Android platform which will be releasing soon. Please wait for the same version to be released and then share your findings with us.


  • 2 weeks later...

Using v6.5.2.404 now.

I have 2 identical passwords now that aren't identical.




Thanks for sharing this.

One of the possible reasons might be these items (which you have mentioned) have more than one password field. To investigate further on this issue, we want a little input from your side. Could you please confirm if you are using the same database on the Desktop version of Enpass? If yes, please follow these steps and share your findings.

  1. Open Enpass on your desktop version of Enpass.
  2. Click on the "Show Web-form" of each item (which you have mentioned it is displaying Identical) on the info page and check if there is any password field having a similar password. For more details please refer the attached image.


Thanks for your co-operation.

Show Webform.PNG

Posted (edited)

The funny thing is that the windows desktop version 6.5.0 (700) doesn't show identical passwords.

I don't have a webform button.

There is only 1 password field when I click on edit.




Edited by TREMOR
Posted (edited)

I came across this bug just now. I can confirm that version 6.5.0 works fine, while version 6.5.1 shows many wrong "identical password" items.

Version 6.5.1 (bugged) is installed on:

  • An Android phone
  • An iMac
  • A Chromebook

Version 6.5.0 (works fine) is installed on:

  • Two Windows PCs (from MS Store)


EDIT: I forgot to mention that the issue encountered in v6.5.1 is identical to the one posted by another user before:


Edited by pwd
Posted (edited)

Same issue here on v6.5.1 (macOS) and v6.5.2 (Android and Windows):


In "All Vaults" the badge show 68 items (wrong) but the list is empty (correct):



Edited by lammoth
  • 2 months later...

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