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Abhishek Dewan

Enpass team member
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Posts posted by Abhishek Dewan

  1. Hi @FuN_KeY

    While I understand that it is taking us a while to resolve this issue on our end and how much of an inconvenience it is, rest assured that we are continuously monitoring this thread and taking feedback from users who are experiencing this problem to resolve it. Additionally, I'm personally following up on this matter, and if there are any updates, I will notify everyone here. Please bear with us until then, and your cooperation is greatly appreciated.

  2. Hi @chribonn

    Our dedicated team is already working on the Enpass portable update as part of our continuous effort to improve our application. Unfortunately, I cannot provide an ETA for the same at this time. Please rest assured that I have also communicated your comments to the team as feedback. Your patience in the interim is greatly appreciated.

  3. Hi @chribonn

    Thank you for the suggestion.

    The app downloaded from the Windows/MacApp Store is automatically updated. However, if the application is downloaded from our official website, the user may have to update the app manually. I have also shared your comments with the team for further improvements in this matter.


  4. Hi @Ivarson

    Thank you for your valuable suggestion.

    I have duly noted your comments and have shared them with the dedicated development team so they may check the feasibility of the requested feature and implement it for future Enpass versions. We appreciate your patience in the meantime.


  5. Hi @laptopleon

    Apologies for the inconvenience caused to you in this matter.

    In our recent updates, we have improved the Enpass app and Enpass Extension's response to different websites based on the feedback we have received from our users. If you are having trouble with a particular website, please elaborate on the issue (the behaviour of the webpage when using the Enpass app/Extension) and share the following details with me. I'll be more than happy to get it checked for you.


    1. The version of the Enpass app, Extension, OS and browser you are using.
    2. The URL and name of the webpages on which you are facing the issue.
  6. Hi @bu11etpr00f

    We are looking into the concern reported by you but require some additional information in this matter. Could you please share the below details with me as it will help us in isolating the bug on our end -

    1. The number of Items you have stored in your Enpass app.

    2. The number of vaults you have created in your Enpass app.

    3. Are you using any cloud server to synchronize your data? Please share the name of it, if any.

  7. Hi @cEuiUWoaXH

    You can follow one of the below steps to restore your backup on your iOS device -

    • On the welcome screen of the Enpass app on your iOS device, click Backup File on the Enpass Welcome screen. Find and select your backup file from your device and click Open. Select the vault you want to restore and click Continue. Enter the Master Password/vault password and click Restore.
    • Create a new vault in your Enpass iOS app -> This Device ->  Restore A Vault From -> Files -> Select the Enpass backup file -> Continue.

    As for the Wifi Sync not working, I would suggest updating your Enpass app to the latest version (6.8.2 for Mac/6.8.1 for iOS), disconnecting the synchronization from any connected devices and restarting the Wifi server. You can also refer to the steps in our handy set up and troubleshooting guides -

    1. Wifi Sync Manual Setup guide
    2. Troubleshooting guide
  8. Hi @Andy Lopez

    Welcome to the Enpass Forums.

    For troubleshooting purposes, please create a manual backup/set up synchronization on your device and then reinstall the app. If the issue persists, please share the below details with me and I’ll have this investigated for you -

    1. The version of the Enpass app you are using on your device.
    2. The cloud server you are using to synchronize your data. Try disabling the cloud server once and check if the app is still crashing?
    3. A screenshot of any error occurring would be helpful.
    4. On your Windows device, Enpass app should be generating a crash report when it closes. Kindly copy the full report and share it with me.
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