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Wi-Fi Sync (beta) is finally here!

Garima Singh

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Hello Enpassians!

Today, we're thrilled to release Enpass Beta v6.7 with one of the most awaited features- Wi-Fi Sync. This feature lets you sync data across devices using the local network or Wi-Fi, without using any third-party cloud service. For more information, please check out the Wi-Fi Sync webpage.

Along with Wi-Fi Sync, the update brings some improvements and bug fixes. Check out the complete changelog:

Getting beta versions

  • iOS (via TestFlight): Our beta subscribers can install the latest beta updates from the TestFlight app.
  • Android (via Play Store): Beta versions can be installed directly from the Google Play Store by joining our open beta program by clicking Become a Tester.
  • Windows – Store version (via Package Flight): Our beta subscribers can install the latest beta updates from the Windows Store.
  • Windows – Website version (.exe setup): Download and install the beta from here.
  • macOS  – Website version (.pkg): Download and install the beta from here.
  • Linux (64-bit distributions only): Download and install the beta from here.

To test the Wi-Fi Sync across different platforms, you will need their respective beta versions as well. Check out our Beta Program for all platforms.

Bug reporting

We look forward to your feedback for this beta release of Enpass. If you uncover any bug, issue, or want to share your feedback, please open a thread in our Forums.

This beta release is made available to beta testers only and is not recommended for production use at this stage.


Edited by Garima Singh
Released beta for Android and Linux
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Saw the email yesterday and almost did a backflip. I've wanted this feature for so long but never thought to submit a feature request. While this is primarily/particularly important for Android mobile devices, I'm looking forward to testing this on Windows, macOS and iOS 

Great job team. Thanks for your continued hard work & dedication.

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I have V6.7 on two Windows computers. I was able to sync once with Wifi Sync. However, it is no longer working and the machines won't even recognize the running server.  And the Android app won't recognize the server either. Is there some special state with the Beta or is the latest version enough?


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1 hour ago, JeffB said:

I have V6.7 on two Windows computers. I was able to sync once with Wifi Sync. However, it is no longer working and the machines won't even recognize the running server.  And the Android app won't recognize the server either. Is there some special state with the Beta or is the latest version enough?

Try these troubleshooting steps : https://www.enpass.io/troubleshooting-wifi-sync/

hope it helps!

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Hey @JeffB

Thanks for writing in. Your feedback is invaluable to us. 

For quick troubleshooting, please stop and start the WiFi services again and make sure all devices are connected with the same WiFi network. Also, please have a look at the troubleshooting steps mentioned in the FAQ.

If the problem persists, kindly share the screenshot of the error message you see when you are trying to setup sync.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thank you very much for this long awaited feature. Kudos.
Most users will have their vaults on own WebDAV servers or in a cloud of some sort.

In the tutorial I miss a detailed description how to migrate the existing remotely hosted data so that the vault(s) will be distributed by the new local Wi-Fi synchronization in the future.

Thank you.

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How many Enpass Wi-Fi Sync servers can be on the same home network?

If two, three, etc family members all use Enpass can all of them sync their own phones/personal devices to their own desktop/laptops?

Does the setup/pairing process automatically take care of separating devices to their own Wi-Fi Sync servers?

Thank you

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Hi @htfan,

Welcome to the Enpass Community.

Yes, you can add as many Wi-Fi Sync servers on the same home network and all the family members can sync with their own phones/personal devices to their Wi-Fi Server.

On 8/22/2021 at 10:36 AM, htfan said:

Does the setup/pairing process automatically take care of separating devices to their own Wi-Fi Sync servers?

Pairing via QR code will automatically take care of separation. You can also pair your device by manually by selecting the appropriate server.

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Hey @AndreasN,

Welcome to the Enpass Community.

Ideally, this error should not come. Although I have forwarded this issue to our concerned team for further investigation, please share the following details so that we can assist you better.

  1. On which device along with the OS version are you facing this issue?
  2. What is the Enpass version of your device?


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5 hours ago, Gulshan Dogra said:

Hey @AndreasN,

Welcome to the Enpass Community.

Ideally, this error should not come. Although I have forwarded this issue to our concerned team for further investigation, please share the following details so that we can assist you better.

  1. On which device along with the OS version are you facing this issue?
  2. What is the Enpass version of your device?


Hey Gulshan,

Thanks for your answer. My device is a desktop pc with Windows 10 64 bit, fully updated. The Enpass version is 6.7.0.(865) (Beta). I also encountered this issue on my laptop, same OS and same Enpass version.

Edited by AndreasN
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4 hours ago, Gulshan Dogra said:

Hey @AndreasN,

Could you please check if write permissions are there on the Documents/Enpass data folder or not? I would also suggest you to try the alternate installation of Enpass(ie. if using the website version then try the store version or vice versa) and let us know if the issue persists. 

Hi again Gulshan,

If I understood correctly your question, I checked the properties of the folder you mentioned. There are write permissions for SYSTEM, User (my name) and Administrators. For your further information, I noticed in there a new subfolder, named ".wifisync", which contains two other folders: ".certs" and "info". I had tried several times to delete it and restart Enpass and Wi-Fi sync. ".wifisync" with its subfolders are recreated, but ".certs" remains always empty. The "info" contains a json file.

As for your suggestion, I was using the Store version. I uninstalled it and installed the website one. The Enpass version is now 6.7.0 (867), but the issue persists.

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