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Enpass becomes transparent


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Apple, iMac, Big Sur 11.2.1

For a few days now, I've been noticing that Enpass seems to have a display problem: When I move the Enpass window from one screen to another, the window becomes "transparent". Most of the time it stays like that until I restart Enpass, sometimes it restores itself after a few moves.

Does anyone have similar observations? 
Does anyone know advice?
Or does Enpass need a BigSur bugfix?

Thanks + greetings


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  • 2 weeks later...

I too experience this, it ALWAYS occurs when dragging the application from one screen to a second screen.

However, I found this workaround that does not require an application restart: simply:

  1. zoom/maximise/green button top left the window and then
  2. zoom/restore/green button top left it to the previous size.

I have 

  • Enpass 6.6.0 (772) from the Mac App Store
  • Mac OSX Catalina v10.15.7
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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi @nics,

Sorry for the inconvenience. Can you please confirm the complete version number of Enpass? The latest builds are (Store) and (Website). 

If the issue persists, let us know the following details so we can further investigate:

  • Are you using dual monitor?
  • Let us know if any particular scenario or step on which you are getting this?


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  • 4 weeks later...

I confirm that the problem has not been resolved. I have enpass 6.6.1 (804) Mac App Store. Mac os Big sur 11.2.2. And it also becomes transparent.
This trouble happens less frequently than in the previous version. But sometimes it does happen.
I use two monitors. 

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Hi @Gaudeamus,

I'm sorry to hear that the problem has not resolved.  We have tried to quick fix in last release. There might have remained some scenarios where this issue could still happen. We have received an official patch from upstream vendor (Qt) that will eliminate the root cause of problem.  Fix will be available in the next update.

Thanks for your co-operation.

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  • 8 months later...

Hi @all,

I stumbled over this thread today, because I'm bothered with this a long while now. I guess there are some updates since April, 27, but I still experience that on my MacBook Pro 2015 an 2020 with 12.1.

Workaround helps, but it is still annoying. Anyone else?


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Hi @4chim

Welcome to the Enpass Forums!

I will gladly assist you with your query. Please share the below details with me, and I'll get it investigated -

  1. Can you please provide us the OS version and Enpass app version (Website or Store) with build number for your MacBook Pro 2015 and 2020.
  2. A screenshot of this issue would be helpful.


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  • 3 months later...

Monterey 12.3.1, Enpass 6.7.4.

Every now and then the binder (leftmost column of Enpass when it's open) turns transparent, showing part of the screen picture behind the Enpass window. See attached screenshot. This doesn't seem intended behaviour.


Edited by Timotheus
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