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Vinod Kumar

Enpass team member
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Everything posted by Vinod Kumar

  1. Hi @makzono, Well, there seems to be a real problem here. Can you reduce the value of QT_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTORS further say 0.75 or 0.5 and share the result after restarting Enpass? Thanks.
  2. Hi all, Sorry for inconvenience. If you are restoring a iOS purchase on OSX, it is not possible due to platform limitations. If you have purchased Windows UWP version in past, that can't be restored on Windows as well because there is no way to migrate purchase receipts of one product to another product in Microsoft store. In both cases you have to buy it separately as they are different products/platforms. Please read this FAQ. If you are facing problem in fresh purchase, this is probably due to a problem in particular platform store. Is your credit card charged before this error? Thanks:)
  3. Hi @Roger, Store and Website versions are on different build servers. The beta you received was newer build one to what we submitted to Microsoft for review. Both are identical in functionality though apart from a different in-app purchase. Cheers:)
  4. Hi Asto, Thanks for your effort and time. We are on it. Will release an update soon. Regards:)
  5. Hi @mjeshurun, We are in process of acquiring a Flyme OS device as because this problems seems unique to Meizu devices. Will update you soon. Cheers:)
  6. Hi @grahamvu, It is known problem with CJK characters are not rendered properly with Enpass 6 with non integer scale factors. Please change Enpass interface language from to Settings -> Advanced -> Language -> Chinese and restart Enpass App. It will force Enpass to use correct scale factor.
  7. Hi @Mathias Brodala, Please try this command in your terminal. xdg-open enpassauth://dropbox/ If it fails to launch Enpass than protocol handlers are not yet updated. A reboot of system should work.
  8. Hi, Sorry for inconvenience. This is possibly due to DNS propagation delay as some domains are now pointing to new destinations. @Gabbalo @RastoD Are you still getting it? 
  9. Hi, Sorry for inconvenience. This is possibly due to DNS propagation delay as some domains are now pointing to new destinations. @Klaus53123 @Denis Are you still getting it?
  10. Hi @shubham, Please update your chrome extension to latest version. You might need to check this faq as well if this doesn't help. Cheers:)
  11. Hi @OldFanta, It is known problem with CJK characters are not rendered properly with Enpass 6 with non integer scale factors. Please change Enpass interface language from to Settings -> Advanced -> Language -> Chinese and restart Enpass App. It will force Enpass to use correct scale factor.
  12. Hi @Eduardo Ellery, In Enpass 6, you can't have different passwords on different devices for a vault. As soon as you change password on one device, it will be changed on cloud too. The next sync on another device will ask for cloud data password and change the password of local data too. Is that what you are trying to do?
  13. Hi @Eduardo Ellery, It is absolutely ok. Go ahead. Cheers:)
  14. Hi @mjeshurun, Noted and will be available soon. Thank you.
  15. Hi @Chinni, Add digits parameter to totp secret url. e.g., otpauth://totp/ACME%20Co:john.doe@email.com?secret=HXDMVJECJJWSRB3HWIZR4IFUGFTMXBOZ&issuer=ACME%20Co&algorithm=SHA1&digits=7&period=30 Cheers:)
  16. @xarekate Please share a screenshot showing Enpass & other apps. Please share desktop environment and os version too.
  17. @xarekate Is it a hidpi display? If so, try removing/adjusting any QT_*_SCALE_FACTOR environment variables that comes from previous install.
  18. @xarekate Now I got it. Enpass 6 requires libcurl.so.4 for internet operations and we couldn't find any package that provides it under Mint 18. So, minimum supported Mint OS is 19. Sorry, but this is not something we can fix from our side without breaking things on new os versions.
  19. Hi @xarekate, Please try running Enpass from terminal with following command /opt/enpass/Enpass and share terminal output. Thanks.
  20. Hi @Jones1024, This section does not apply to us because we provide a tool to encrypt your data not a service. You are anonymous to us. We are neither an intermediary nor in-charge of your computer resource. We don't store your data with us. So, we have no possession of your data. No data is transmitted through our channels (we don't have one). We do not own your data encryption key (there is only one key your master password). Your data file is a SQLCipher file and you can open it, verify it without Enpass. Cheers:)
  21. Hi @Joel Pomales, Enpass supports all WebDAV servers. Many of our customers are using Synology for syncing Enpass data. Just open your webdav directory in a web browser and paste the same url in Enpass webdav configuration. Please provide https/http url (not davs://). Cheers:)
  22. Hi @Tadly, Please try out new beta. We have incorporated some of the changes you asked. We can't. Both main and assistant windows are part of same executable instance and according to specs, windows of same app should have same WM_CLASS. However, you can use alternative x atoms for automation purposes. Like WM_NAME(STRING) = "Enpass Assistant" _NET_WM_NAME(UTF8_STRING) = "Enpass Assistant" First down press shifts focus from search to list and second press is handled by list. Yes, this is a unfinished task. Coming in subsequent updates. Till than you can same keyboards shortcuts as in main app for detail page. I have sneaked a environment variable till we have a better solution. Just set the delay in seconds ENPASS_ASSISTANT_AUTOHIDE_DELAY=1 This is a qt bug with High precision touchpads. We were not using any custom scrolling, but now we are. Scrolling should feel better now. Cheers:)
  23. Hi @Lox_, Can you try latest beta? Extra comma after localhost in lsof output was the culprit. We have fixed this. Cheers:)
  24. Hi @Binh Truong, This bug is relevant to apps where an attacker can execute arbitrary SQL, such as in web browsers using WebSQL. We have our own sql queries and and do not accept sql from arbitrary sources. So, your data is safe with Enpass. Cheers,
  25. Hi @Tadly, There seems some problem with extension sandbox cache which is messing up authorization with Enpass app. @Alex Gurenko 's workaround also confirms that. We are looking into it. On a different note, is Enpass assistant (mini enpass window) working on your i3wm setup now? We adjusted some window flags per Desktop/Window manager to avoid focus problems.
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