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  1. Even so I have configured to lock the app only after 30min and „locking when leaving“ is disabled I have to log in all the time. Also when just switching to a different app for seconds. This seems not to work. It would be nice to fix this!
  2. hi, Google has recently updated how their gmail web login looks (and functions?) and since then Enpass is no loger able to autofill the web login (not gmail app) using Firefox on iOS. It only affects the email address. The password does work if I manually input the email address. Please fix as I do login to gmail pretty often.
  3. Hi Support team - Over the last 3+weeks - automatic or manual cloud sync not working on Windows 11 Pro. Primary vault is unable to sync with iCloud like before. It keeps trying (synchronizing blue dots circle) to connect to apple cloudkit website but throws network authentication error when correct login credentials are entered. Have tried it on multiple browsers over different days and same error. Note: Between iOS devices - cloud sync is working correctly but not between Windows and iOS devices. Desktop Enpass build version: 6.8.4 (1166) and iOS Enpass build version: 6.8.6 (684) How quickly could this error be fixed? Thanks
  4. Since 6.8, sync to Dropbox breaks several times per day both on Android 11 and Ubuntu 22.04. (not using windows atm. so can't vote for that) Re-authentication works for a few hours. Google doesn't seem to broken
  5. Hi i am running Nextcloud and Enpass autofills the credentials perfectly fine BUT when I click the login button I get an error saying “please enter the password”. I found a workaround: - let Enpass autofill the credentials - and then while the cursor is still in the password field I enter any character on the keyboard (just to “touch” the input field) and delete it again right away. - hit the login button and it works fine Is this an issue with how Nextcloud checks for the input? Or is it a problem with how Enpass fills in the credentials? Funny enough it worked with ownCloud before and the two are not that different (at least in core features like the login). But probably they are. Also it works in latest safari mobile on the same device! So maybe down to an issue with Enpass and Firefox integration? another thing I realized is that when I click in the password field instead of the username field and let Enpass autofill the credentials, it only fills in the password but not the username. Weird behavior. Probably another bug to report but I thought I mention it for completeness. i can dm you a dummy account if you want to look into it. iOS 16.2 enpass 6.8.6 Firefox 108.1 nextcloud: 20.5.2
  6. On my iPad I'm not longer able to use enpass. During validating of the vault the app crashes What I did until now - delete and reinstall enpass - try with an empty vault nothing helps on my iPhone and my Windows Desktop everything works fine iPad Air 2 iPadOS 15.7 vault is on webdav at web.de Thanks for resolving this problem if any other information is needed, please tell me
  7. At the moment I use version 6.8.2 (1084) on Windows 10. If I update a password (or other field) on my Mac and sync it via WebDAV, it sometimes doesn't get synced on my other devices, e.g. iOS or Windows. Then the correct last modified date appears, but the value is not updated. What's happening? I'm actually very happy with the app, but bugs keep creeping in from time to time. Of course, this is normal. But with faulty basic functions, this is very annoying. I just have to be able to rely on my password manager. If I always have to be afraid of losing information, that's not good... Please help!
  8. I updated to the AppStore version of Enpass 6.8.0 when it became available. Everything was working fine on my iOS and Mac (latest OS versions) devices. The sync was working everywhere. But yesterday, I installed a new Mac device (M1 based / MacOS 12.3.1) and tried to connect to the central vault on my Synology WebDAV server (DSM 7.0.1). I could not connect and received credential errors (Please check your username & password). I researched this for hours and thought it might be the certificate installation on the Mac. Unfortunately it turns out, that I could fix my issue by downgrading to Enpass 6.7.4. With the old version I can connect my new Mac to the WebDAV vault without any issues. So it is a bug in 6.8.0! It is also very unfortunate, that the Enpass team makes it extra complicated to downgrade to a previous version. I had to build a download link by using the link to the current website version and then insert the version number to the old version, which you find in the release list. This is very frustrating! It's not the first time that I stumble across quality issues and it makes me wonder if there might be a point to pay more money for a more reliable password managing software from a different vendor, despite the fact, that I really like the approach technical approach the Enpass team takes. So I would really appretiate more quality assurance in the future. Automated regression testing should make it possible to get a handle on that, just saying...
  9. There's a clear warning when there's no internet access and sync fails, a red banner at the top. But when there's a sync conflict in a vault, there's only a red spinner top left that flashes vaguely in red. In Android app it's even hidden until you use the flyout menu. If I where to get my parents to use Enpass, they would never even notice that and their vaults wouldn't be synced. I don't even understand why the user has to intervene here, and press "Merge" since there are no options. But if it's needed at least make it pop out
  10. It there has any URL Scheme to launch EnPass and perform actions on search behalf ? Just like this workflow in 1password: https://blog.agilebits.com/2015/02/03/community-goodie-workflow-chrome-for-ios-1password/ And the URL Scheme in 1pass and last pass: 1Password: Onepassword://search/{DomainVariable} LastPass: lastpass://search/{TextVariable}
  11. Maybe you read the headlines: There was a massive iPhone hack. A Google team has found that thousands of iPhones were hacked - just by visiting a infected website. This allowed the attackers comprehensive access to the data in the iPhone: WhatsApp, Signal, SMS, gps-location, photos, contacts and - yes - even the keychain with the passwords should have been open. An incredible Bug! My question: Was Enpass also affected? Could attackers - even theoretically - read the passwords from the Enpass database? As far as I know, Enpass uses the iOS keychain to store the masterpassword, if you use biometric unlock. Who knows more?
  12. Hello, I am relatively new to Enpass, I noticed, that after reboot, I can use the PIN to access my fault. How can this be secure? This means that the Masterpassword is stored locally on the flash memory. This and the fact, that there have never been an security audit for iOS really worries me. Can someone explain to me, how this might possibly secure? I have a feeling, that the reason, why there is no security audit is, that they know, that there is no way there application passes the audit.
  13. Hello all, I use a paid version of Enpass on my iPhone with iOS14 and have currently 5 vaults in use. But while I want to auto-fill something inside Chrome I can only use 2 of them. The primary one and the second one created. Can someone please help me, what am I doing wrong? Best, Dennis
  14. 1. Go in Chrome to passwords, choose export, select "Copy to Enpass". 2. Nothing happens
  15. Dear Developer, I'm an Pro user of enpass since 2017 and the app is great. Recently I seen so many reviews on web, youtube and elsewhere.. most of the reviews says so many cons of enpass like customer support.. I request you to take feed back via whatsapp or telegram group and connect with customers via whatsapp or telegram so you can find better solution.. every users can not use emails of forum.. your whole feedback and discussion available on forum only.. but whatsapp or telegram used by everyone so try to reach via whatsapp or telegram so no one miss the update and every release gives details via telegram channel or group.. every big Companies use more social platforms so that they can reach with more users...as a professional student I know the value of marketing and business expansion.. so try to go via telegram and whatsapp so users can send u feedback very fast and effectively.. so more and more users gain your info and gives very positive path to your business. Hope u considered my feedback as a valuable and take reasonable steps as soon as possible..
  16. Hi everybody. Recently I change my mobile phone from Android to iOS. I bought endpass for Android and I would like to know if ther is any way to hava Enpass in my iPhone without paying again. Thanks in advance.
  17. I recently upgraded to a newer iphone, and copied the content from the old one to the new. At first, I was pretty pleased/surprised to see that all my passwords were migrated as well, with the cloud sync & all. Sadly, it completely blew up my OneDrive sync. It feels like the new iphone has a different enpass DB, with the same content, and that it could not sync anymore with the cloud. On other device I was told that the Enpass database has been removed from OneDrive and was offered to repload it. When doing so, I was greeted with the same error on my new iphone (and so on). I will fix that by completely reinitializing Enpass on the iPhone, but the current behavior towards sync is very, very, very dangerous. I was lucky to catch the problem early, but if I would have spend 6 months with the 2 conflicting databases I would have had a hard time doing the reconciliation and could even have lost passwords.
  18. It must be very simple, but I can't see it... on my MacBook Pro I can use multiple vaults that are securely synced into my Google Drive. I want to do the same thing on my iPad, but I can only sync one vault. How do I add the second one? Thank you!
  19. Hi all, Since moving to the new major version, both my Macbook and iPhone complain about me "purposely deleting" data and refuse to sync. I'm concerned I'll lose data on one or the other. Both present the option to upload fresh, and in both cases they upload "successfully". Next sync on either device results in the same issue again, with the additional message of "No data found on WebDAV". The WebDAV connection is correct (and had to be re-added, which was extremely annoying). On my ownCloud instance, the folder "Enpass" is there as usual. Inside is a file called sync_default.walletx (not modified in a week, I assume the sync file before the upgrade) and vault.enpassdbsync (modified within the last few minutes). Obviously permissions are correct, as each device can write this file, and reading has never been an issue pre-upgrade. Please advise ASAP.
  20. NetWeb

    Duplicate items

    when i try to insert my password it show duplicate items. how can i fix this?
  21. Hi @all, I have successfully registrated me for the pro lifetime license, but I inserted by mistake my companies email address and not my private one. So I tried to change it, but without success. When changing the email I got the following messagers boxes: I proceed, that it will migrate my license to my new enter email. I get the follwing error. Whatever I click (Yes or No), I am coming back to the screen, where I used enter new email address. Can someone please help me? Best regards, edenhaus
  22. Hi. I use 2 desktop installations and the iOs app. All on the latest version levels. I use oneDrive as cloud service for syncing. Works perfect with the desktop versions. Only the iOs app doesn't sync, even the app shows a succesful sync. It connects to the cloud service, it initiates the sync process, but afterwards the app isn't updating anything in the cloud. Even using the backup function with OneNote cloud, it doesn't sync. It only stores a backup file on the local folder of the iPhone, if I chose this. I'm lost. Who can help? The only thing I have in mind now is to save the backup on the iPhone, delete the app, re-install and restore from the local backup. Thanks in advance. Mario
  23. Hello, Trying to set up enpass on my iphone after setting it on my desktop app, enpass won't accept the master password even though, the passkey is correct. Tried multiple times, with or without copy/paste. Thanks for your help.
  24. Hello, First of all, here is my configuration, I use Enpass on my Mac and iPhone. Mac OS Mojave 10.14.5 - Enpass 5.6.11 Iphone iOS 12.1.3 - Enpass 6.0.6 with paid license I use Google Drive synchronization on both my devices, however I have a major problem, on my Mac I have 121 elements but on my iPhone only 110, I can click on "synchronize" on both my devices it tells me the synchronization was successful but the missing elements on iOS do not appear. The missing elements on my iPhone seem to me to be the last elements added for several months. Thank you in advance for your help
  25. Hello, i just found your enpass password manager and i was wondering if there is a way to sync my data to all platforms i am using. Like if i create my passwords on IOS can i syncronize them to Android, Windows and Mac without having to set up each platform individual? Thank you
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