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Enpass Discussion Forum

Abhishek Dewan

Enpass team member
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Posts posted by Abhishek Dewan

  1. Hi @zazaza

    Welcome to the Enpass Forums.

    I completely understand your point of view, and we are aware of the demand for many feature requests that we receive via forums and email. We are grateful for the feedback we receive regarding any bugs/improvements from our users as-well, and we keep track of every request. Once a fix or new feature is implemented, we let our users know via forums/email.

    Moreover, new features undergo certain phases when they are implemented, such as feasibility tests, development, etc, and are only released after a rigorous testing process.


  2. Hi @french

    Thank you for sharing the requested details and we greatly appreciate your cooperation in this matter.

    We have reproduced the bug on our end due to which this issue is occurring. Our dedicated team is now working on resolving it and soon a patch addressing this issue will be released. Thank you for your patience in the interim.

    • Like 1
  3. Hi @jan321

    Welcome to the Enpass Forums

    For troubleshooting purposes, please try exporting your file from 1Password version 7 and then try importing your 1PIF file with the following option selected in “Unencrypted File formats of 1Password “ dropdown as shown in the attached screenshot-

    If the issue persists, please share the exact version of the Enpass app, MacOS and a screenshot of the error which is occurring when you import v7 file of 1Password in Enpass.
  4. Hi @kvinar

    I have already shared all the details with our development team, and they are working on a fix. Right now, I will be unable to share any ETA as a fix is only released for any issue after thorough testing. Rest assured, I will certainly update this forum when a fix for this issue is released, or if we require any additional information. Please bear with us while we work on fixing this, and we appreciate your kind understanding in this case.

  5. Hi @Dietmar Hellberg

    Welcome to the Enpass Forums.

    The Enpass One-Time plan is a single user multi platform license for personal use only and it is not possible to add family members to it. In this case, I would recommend getting the Family license, which can be purchased from our official website on a yearly basis.

    For pricing and features, please refer to the this link.

  6. Hi @french

    We are looking into the reported concern. To proceed with the investigation, our team of experts require some additional information. Please perform the below steps and share your findings -

    1. Open the Enpass in the PC device.
    2. Go to Enpass settings → Vault→ choose the vault in which data is imported.
    3. Take the backup of the vault and save it locally on the device.
    4. Open the Enpass app on the mobile device.
    5. Click on the Settings tab → Vaults → '+' icon to add a new vault.
    6. Click on 'On this device' → Wi-Fi → Enter the shown URL in the desktop device and choose the recently saved backup file. 
    7. Complete the process of restoring the backup file.
    8. Now open the Item that previously threw the error and share your findings.


    If you still get the same error, then please follow these steps -

    1. Open the Enpass app on PC device.
    2. Open the Item that shows the error in the mobile device.
    3. Click on the three dots menu at the top right corner.
    4. Click on the share option(if you use any psk to encrypt that Item, please remove it).
    5. Click on copy to clipboard and then share that copied data with us.


    Note: If there is any sensitive information in that Item, please first edit that field with any random data and then proceed. You can also DM me the details.


  7. Hi @Obriendj

    Welcome to the Enpass Forums.

    For troubleshooting purposes, please create a manual backup/set up synchronization for your Enpass data and then reinstall the app. If the issue persists, please share the below details with me, and I’ll have this investigated for you


    1.     The version of the Enpass app and OS you are using.

    2.     Is the app crashing for you after a certain step, ie, browsing through Items,  after editing an Item, creating a new Item, etc? Or is it completely random?

    3.     Try disconnecting the internet, then launch the Enpass app and observe if the app is still crashing for you. If it is not crashing, then while the internet is disconnected, try removing the cloud account you are using for synchronization, enable the internet and re-launch Enpass to check if the app is still crashing. Also share the cloud service you are using to synchronize your data.

  8. Hi @Business_User

    Our dedicated team is already aware of this feature request and they are working on implementing it. I will be unable to share any ETA right now but will be sure to update this forum once we release this feature . Your cooperation and patience in the meantime are appreciated.


  9. Hi @Nyana

    Welcome to the Enpass Forums.

    For troubleshooting purposes, please try the below steps -

    1. Kindly check and ensure that the OS and browser is upto date.
    2. Try restarting your device.
    3. After creating a manual backup of your data, reinstall the Enpass app.

    If the issue persists, please share the version of the Enpass Extension as well and I'll have this further investigated for you.


  10. HI @cubeside

    Welcome to the Enpass Forums.

    To delete the Enpass Vault from your iOS device, go to Enpass Settings ->  Vaults -> Select the Vault -> 3 Dots (Top right side) -> Remove Vault.









    Note - Only secondary Vaults can be removed by the above method. To remove the primary Vault, you will need to delete the Enpass app.


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