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  1. I don't want to lose the popup window of the Enpass Chrome extension when I click on something that isn't the popup window. For example.. I had an Enpass extension for Chrome popup window appear when capturing a new login or update. But I clicked away from the popup window, and the popup windows disappeared. I then lost my login credentials, including the password I just generated. Since the information wasn't captured by Enpass, I had to go through the extra trouble reset my password and start over. I've done this a few times when I've tried to click the main browser window to copy/paste information into the Enpass extension window. Thanks. Chrome Extension v6.0.2
  2. The browser extension needs the feature to copy the generated password when you "Fill" the browser. Fill & Copy. Here's what's happening to me WITHOUT the feature: Generate the password. Fill the password to the web page. The web page accepts the password. But....Enpass didn't capture the password! So now I have a new web page login, without the password! Enpass didn't copy the password, nor did Enpass create a new login account in the Enpass App. Other Option: Enpass extension should figure out why it's not capture a new login on the web page. But at least having the password in the clipboard is better than nothing. Other Option: Fill & Create new login button. Enpass Password Manager extension for Chrome Version
  3. Hi Something I am currently missing is a feature to use a login on a specific page it is not linked to. Something like searching in the extension for the right login, right clicking and saying "Use on this page" so far I've had to make do with copy pasting username/password. Thanks!
  4. 1. Shortcut key in browser only works sporadically, however global shortcut always works 2. Enpass most of the time does not ask to save logins, I have to manually add them most of the time. 3. When using password generator to press autofill, it never works. I have to manually copy the password and the login information in these cases never get saved so I have to manually add the login details in enpass. I've had these issues in the last couple of updates so it might not make a difference but here's my current setup: macOS Mojave 10.14.2 Vivaldi: 2.3.1440.41 (Stable channel) (64-bit) Enpass: 6.0.5 (306) Browser extension:
  5. Hello, I'm using the Enpass chrome extension for Mac, so there exists some pages where Enpass extension doesn't work as expected. The user is not copied to the field, but the password does without any issue. The workflow for this page is similar to Amazon, where first is shown a field for the user name, then after submit there is shown other page with the password field. I can't paste the URL because your forum complains about spam. I hope you can fix this. Best regards.
  6. Hello Enpass Team. I'm facing a strange issue wile i'm tryin to set up Syncronization on Windows 10 PC. I'm currently using the "Traditional Win32" app. I've tried with Firefox, Chrome and both of them has had the same behaviour. I already had a Caveau full of password (i was using the V5 before), and the comunication beethween Enpass APP and the browser extension is working fine, since i can use the Autofill and i can look for a specific password from directly from the extension. Previously i was syncing my data on google drive, so i've tried to redo the same setup (why did the old configuration get lost?? mah!), and i can succesfully go throu all the steps of Google's authorization process, util i'm landing on "Authorization Finished!" page with the green "REDIRECT" button. When i'm clicking on that button, Enpass app icon on the windows status bar start to blink, (so i guess that the enpass:// url handler work fine) but nothis more happen. I've also tried to reboot PC, reinstall enpass, reinstall extension but nothing changed. Any help will be appreciated. Federico
  7. Hello, After upgrading to enpass v6 (which looks very nice btw ), the shortcut ctrl + / does not work anymore. I installed the newest extension for firefox and everything works fine when I press the enpass icon in the toolbar of firefox, but when I try to autofill using the ctrl + / nothing happens. What can I try to solve this problem? Regards Jens Update: I found the issue, after upgrading the default shortcut didn't work, but when I edited it to something else and then back to default it suddenly worked. (Changing can be done in ... (top right of firefox) -> add-ons -> enpass options). Sorry for this unnecessary post...
  8. Hello. Before the update rel. 6. of today, everything was working fine. Since the desktop forced me to install the last update 6.0, the opera extension ask me to update as well. But impossible to get the extension from the chrome web store ; the button "add to Opera" does not appear, although I have installed the extension "Install Chrome Extensions" in Opera. NB : The extenion appears in Chrome, and I'm on W7. I would appreciate any help because I like this application. Thank you.
  9. I'm posting this here to hopefully help others that run into this issue. Good news: The new version of the Brave browser is based on Chromium, so you can install the Enpass browser extension there. Bad news: There's currently an issue that keeps it from showing you some helpful information about configuring the Enpass Application to work with the browser. Also, you have to uncheck the "Verify browsers" option, since Enpass doesn't seem to know about Brave yet. (Can it be updated to support that? Should I open a separate issue about that somewhere?) Hopefully that helps someone?
  10. Hello Team, I am getting a connection error on chrome Enpass extension. I tried re-installing browser extension, chrome and Enpass to fix the issue but end up with no success. It's working fine on Safari though. Details: OS: macOS Mojave : 10.14 Extension: 5.5.2 Chrome: 70.0.3538.77 (Official Build) (64-bit) Enpass: 5.6.11 (155) I wrote one email to Enpass support but didn't get any response. I have paid Enpass for both iPhone and Android but I have to admit that the Enpass support is worst.
  11. When the browser extension pops-up to save a new login... I would like to assign the category/folder (tagging would be nice too) Currently the browser extension will prompt to save a new login, I save the login, then I go to the desktop app, search for the new login, then assign the category/folder for organization. Thanks.
  12. OS: elementaryOS 0.4.1 (Ubuntu 16.04) Browser: Firefox 62.0 Enpass: 6.0.0 (105) Extension: TOTP autofill didn't work for sites neither Nextcloud instances nor popular ones like Github. On Windows machines I didn't notice such behavior with Enpass (version 5, so no beta!). Any ideas?
  13. When I click the browser extension, nothing happens. It used to work, and I think related to upgrading Chromium/Chrome. Enpass 5.6.5 Enpass Password Manager 5.5.2 Chromium Version 65.0.3325.162 (Official Build) (64-bit) Windows 7 64-bit
  14. I use Enpass on multiple machines. For the most part it works fine, but I am having an issue on one machine. FireFox is my browser of choice. On one machine the extension will not connect--I get the "Enpass Connection Error" page. The Chrome extension on the same machine works fine. On all other machines where I am using FireFox and the Enpass extension the extension works fine. The only difference with this machine is that I log into it via Remote Desktop. Otherwise it is a very vanilla Windows 10 box. FF 57.0.2, Enpass 5.6.2 and Enpass Extension Any ideas?
  15. Hi Support, With the most recent firefox 57 release. Enpass Add-on has been disabled by Firefox due to being legacy and unsupported. Please update the firefox add-on to support the latest firefox 57. Many thanks
  16. I think when the EDGE browser is in dark mode, the dark grey lines of the Enpass icon cannot be seen at all, is there a way to have a dark/light mode like the Taskbar icon?
  17. Guys now we try Firefox 57 Beta after many months, because mozilla start something doing with speed etc. So we want test if we can/want migrate from Chrome to Firefox - when will be final version fírefox57 out. But now when we install Firefox 57 Beta and want install Enpass browser extension .. so we see only error message with text that enpadd extension not be compatible. Will be Enpass extension ready when will be out public release F57?
  18. Small bug that I noticed. Using Windows Traditional 5.6.0 Firefox 57 latest extension Open Firefox Open Enpass extension: pop-up appears, you can search your passwords or autofill Don't do anything with Enpass and close the pop-up by clicking outside the enpass window Open Enpass extension again: the pop-up appears and will immediately disappear After this encounter, you won't get this bug again untill you close Firefox and repeat above steps again. It also seems to happen if you have used enpass for some sites, but then decide to do the trick mentioned above, for example: Open Firefox Open Enpass extension: pop-up appears Use Enpass extension to log you in to a site (you can do this for multiple sites) Use Enpass extension to open the pop-up, don't do anything, immediately close it Use Enpass extension to open the pop-up again: pop-up appears and disappears again Make sure if you test this out, that all Firefox instances are closed when you try to reproduce this bug. I'm not able to reproduce it twice during the same Firefox session. I have no idea if other browser extensions have this bug as well...
  19. Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Chrome 62.0.3202.89 Enpass Browser Extension I can not change the keyboard layout inside the extension. Just in the browser, changing the layout works correctly.
  20. I installed Enpass on SolusOS 3 Linux via 3rd party software center. It works properly. However the Firefox (56.0.2, 64-Bit) Enpass extension (, 4 Nov 2017) doesn't. When I'm on any login page and click the Enpass extension, it shows me the Enpass Connection Error page instead of filling the fields with the login data: Of course the settings are correct and Enpass is running: This is the output of my lsof -i:10391 Any idea what's wrong? Thanks for helping me. Toto
  21. Why is the auto-filling on Chrome on the extension's bar? Wouldn't it be better placed at the login's and password's fields better? The extension is great, but you should also add the auto-filling in the fields Is it possible to do that? I think most password managers use that way and most people seem to enjoy more the experience like that, including myself. Thank you for the app, love it.
  22. Hi Guys, I'm ecstatic to finally have Enpass for Edge! I have noticed that if I don't use the extension for a while the keyboard shortcut (ctrl + /) stops working and it takes me to the "Enpass Connection Error" page. To resolve it I have to click the extension icon in Edge, then it figures out it is connected and the keyboard shortcut resumes working. Otherwise it seems to be pretty stable.
  23. Hi guys, As we have mentioned in our blog-post that Edge browser extension will not be part of stable releases. We will keep the beta-stream of Traditional Windows as updated as stable stream with an additional, most in-demand feature: Edge Browser extension. The newly released Enpass Beta 5.3.1 is similar to stable Enpass 5.3.0. You can download the Edge supported Beta version from here and Edge extension from here & follow the steps mentioned in readme.txt . Before using the beta version, you should be aware of risks involved by: Disabling isolation of Edge browser: To strike down the Issue of Microsoft Edge browser (where being a UWP App, it doesn't allow any other App to connect to it on same machine through loopback), we have to disable the network isolation of Edge using the following command. CheckNetIsolation LoopbackExempt -a -n="Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe" Warning: As per Microsoft, the use of above command to overrule the Network capabilities of Edge browser is not a general practice and is not recommended for normal users as it can make the Edge browser vulnerable. Format of Websocket origin: When edge extension connects to Enpass app via websocket, the websocket origin set by Edge is in somewhat a non-standard format https://EnpassPasswordManager_nt7fcssrybz1j:0. Ideally it should be ms-browser-extension://EnpassPasswordManager_nt7fcssrybz1j:0 Being in the https protocol format, it might lead an attacker to run an attack site on a machine that resolves to our extension ID by DNS spoofing and installing its self-signed root certificate authority on your computer. If a request come from Edge browser runing that attack site will look like an authentic request to Enpass. If you PC is already in so much control of a bad guy that he can install self signed root certificate and run a site on your machine (which requires administrator permission), you are already at potential risk. Although it is not so easy for anyone in a control environment, but as a user of Enpass, we want you to be aware of this issue. Keep using Enpass and stay secure!
  24. Hello, Just started to use the Edge extension and its working well, but I think the UI needs to be tweaked. I have the Dark Theme enabled for Microsoft Edge browser and I noticed the Icon is very hard to see, it looks very dimmed out. Now at first I think that this is suppose to be by design and when you get to a page it recognizes it would turn bright white and stand out, but during testing I signed out of my google account and even though it found the google login the icon did not change. 1.) I don't know if its possible for the icon to change color, but it would be nice to keep it dim on pages its not being used, and light up when it can submit a password for you. I do know that the "Pocket" extension changes to Red when you click add to pocket. 2.) If #1 isn't possible I hope the extension can support the Microsoft Edge dark theme so the icons is visible. I did check the options of the extension and there is no where to enable dark theme.
  25. Hello, the latest official Safari Extension (5.5.0) won't work for me under High Sierra. It always say that I must enable the extension in the preferences of the app. But I've enabled it there. I restart the App and switch it off and on again, but it won't help. I also switch the "verify browser' button without any result. But under Chrome it works. So that I think that the App is correct configured, but I can't fill any login/password field in safari :-( pls help. thx
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