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  1. The recent Enpass 6 update broke the OneDrive Cloud Syncing on All Systems. I first notice the sync error on my iPhone then my OMEN Laptop and lastly, my Surface Book. All the systems presented with the same Sync Error: 508403 and directs the user to the following page: Sync Error Help Page The OneDrive Cloud sync system was working before the recent update and now the update has broken the sync system. I would appreciate it if you can patch and fix the issue. Thanks. If you need any information on resolving the issue, I can provide that information to you. Details: iPhone 8 Plus: iOS 12.1.2 (16C101); Enpass App 6.0.0 (196) HP OMEN Laptop: Windows 10 Pro Version 1809; Enpass App 6.0.0 (218) - Windows Store App MS SurfaceBook: Windows 10 Pro Version 1809; Enpass App 6.0.0 (218) - Windows Store App MS Surface 3: Windows 10 Pro Version 1809; Enpass App 6.0.0 (218) - Windows Store App
  2. Hi, Since installing the enpass 6 beta I have been running into cases where chrome locks up on launch for over 60 seconds. I have since discovered this is a cumulative effect of 3 settings: OneDrive Being allowed to sync all of Documents: Enpass 6 storing its tmp directory in documents: C:\Users\<user>\OneDrive\Documents\Enpass6-Beta\.sync The Enpass Password Manager extension for Chrome using the .sync directory on launch. The fix is pretty simple in Microsoft OneDrive Settings -> Account -> Choose Folders unselect the enpass directory Since most of my settings were default, I expect others are having the same issue and are not sure how to fix it, hopefully this helps.
  3. So I'm having an issue with the beta. I cannot sync with a webDAV connection because the option is grayed out. Also, OneDrive syncing only allows for a personal OneDrive account and not a 365 account.
  4. Hi, I'm unable to sync Enpass (bridged version) with OneDrive after Windows 10 upgrade to Insider preview version 17711. Reset Enpass content and connect to OneDrive to restore cloud content ends up with the message "Sorry, we didn't find any Enpass data on this OneDrive account" - not sure of the error message translation as my Enpass is in French. I also tried to uninstall / install Enpass from the store, but still the same issue. Any idea? Thanks.
  5. I have been using Enpass successfully on my PC and I have also got the Ipad app. However, the Ipad says, "Currently there are no items in the list." It shows my Onedrive name at the top, but when I click 'sync' nothing is added. Is there a way of making it work?
  6. It used to be possible to sync Enpass with the Onedrive of a different user. This is no longer possible, when setting up the Onedrive sync it opens the Edge browser with the Microsoft account of the current Windows user and it is not possible to change this. This is a major problem for me because I use the same Enpass problem at home and at work. At work I use a different Microsoft account.
  7. I read the above thread and associated FAQ. But I haven't changed my password! So, I wonder what is going on. How could I get this message (see screen shot)? Certainly, I hope someone else has not fiddled with my signins, which I doubt, but still.) I use a Windows 10 laptop and a Windows 10 phone, both synced to OneDrive. So, how'd this happen? How do I fix it (same as above Oct 2, 2017 thread)? Oh, I love Enpass!!!
  8. I read the above thread and associated FAQ. But I haven't changed my password! So, make me wonder what is going. How could I get this message? Certainly, I how someone else has not fiddled with my signins, which I doubt, but still.) I use a Windows 10 laptop and a Windows 10 phone, both synced to OneDrive. So, how'd this happen? How do I fix it (same as above Oct 2, 2017 thread). Oh, I love Enpass!!!
  9. When I set up sync with Onedrive, the authorization process request access to I grant the auth request. But when I try to sync I get the Error 'please enter your master password'. The reason is that you tried to save the database in Onedrive unter /Enpass instead under /Apps/Enpass as requested by the Oauth authorization request. This triggers the error. After I moved the files manually from /Enpass to /Apps/Enpass syncing started to function. But you still write the file sync_default.walletx to /Enpass. WTF? Please fix this bug.
  10. When I first started, I managed to sync 3 accounts. Since then Ive added 5 more items, but OneDrive has stopped synchronizing. I get error codes 108 and 120. What can I do to get this going?
  11. Enpass Portable and OneDrive Hi, i don't know whether this is a feature request, a bug report or a total lack of understanding on my side... i want to use enpass on my work laptop which uses windows 7 and will soon be upgraded to windows 10. Since it's work i can't just install things. So i want to use the portable version, which seems to work fine. But i cant choose onedrive (yes, i use several devices with macOS, IOS, android, windows). So i thought I'm a clever guy and mount my onedrive as a WebDAV (which works fine in windows explorer). But trying to open the Enpass-folder on OneDrive gives me an error saying the data is inaccessible. What am I doing wrong here? again, i can easily read and write data within the WebDAV-folder that i mounted as a drive via https://d.docs.live.net/CID as officially described i also tried the absolute path with the \\d.docs.live.net@SSL\CID\Enpass which again works flawlessly with windows explorer so please implement support for this :-) (or fix the bug or brighten me up on why it is works-as-designed)
  12. I've been using the Win 10 Enpass app, but since the extension is here I want to move over to the bridged win32 application. Upon starting I select I'd like to restore my data from OneDrive. A browser window opens and I sign in. After that I see a 'Hmm...can't reach this page' message. The browser seems to be redirecting to, but for some reason I think the Enpass application is not listening on that port. I'm running Windows 10 Fall Creators Update.
  13. I just noticed it today after an update from Microsoft to fix a few bugs from the Tuesday update cycle. Now, I also noticed that the Blink news settings I had were reset. This may be related or not. I read the other OneDrive topic and my eyes crossed. The Windows phone Enpass works fine, but the desktop Enpass refused to sync. I've been switching over from an older password manager that is not being supported anymore, but has still been working for now. So, I was aware when it stopped syncing. I have tried rebooting and checking for any remaining updates already. I disconnected the Enpass desktop from OneDrive and tried to connect again. It is now stuck on fetching.. FIXED!! I went to the www.msn.com site and access my settings on Microsoft. When I went to the OneDrive.live.com I got a message that there was a problem accessing my files. I went back and accessed my files from the OneDrive app and tried the OneDrive.live.com again and it worked. Then I tried Enpass on the desktop and it started to sync up again. There must have been an update somewhere to a setting that was needed.
  14. I really like Enpass and use it multiple Windows devices. Everything works fine. Then I activated OneDrive two factor authentication, and sync stopped working. I installed Enpass new device while havin 2FA enabled. It could read data from OneDrive, but after initial load sync didn't work. After disabling 2FA sync started working with every device. Any workarouds? Any fix coming up? Or is this stupid user error?
  15. Let me choose the folder Enpass will use to sync using OneDrive. I use OneDrive, and there is a folder[1] for apps to save data specific for them (it's the approot special folder). I'd like to use this folder, instead of the root of my OneDrive. [1] https://onedrive.live.com/?id=apps
  16. I'd like to report a bug in syncing with Enpass for Windows desktop in Windows 10. Here is how the bug occurs: -First of all, you have to use Enpass for Windows desktop -Then, in OneDrive settings, you have to select OneDrive as the folder for documents and images -Make sure to have OneDrive sync enabled in Enpass -Now, OneDrive will be stuck on "Processing changes", and to make it stop, you have to restart OneDrive client, or restart the computer; it continues to upload files despite this, but even if there are no files left, it stuck on "Processing changes" forever until a restart of the client or the entire PC I noticed that If I revert the OneDrive settings not selecting the folder target documents and images as OneDrive, so local, the bug doesn't occur anymore. In addition, I found that if this happen, if I try to copy files from OneDrive to other source, the Enpass files are not copied because Enpass block the file in OneDrive. In the first screenshot, Ashampoo tell me that the Enpass file in OneDrive are blocked by another program, Enpass itself, and in the second screenshot, there is OneDrive stuck on "Processing for changes". The last screenshot shows you that Documents and Pictures folder are being moved on OneDrive.
  17. Hi, i have enpass on my Onedrive account on my Windows 10 Mobile Phone, now i want to sync it with the W10 Mobil Phone of my wife. How can a use another Onedrive account in the app beside the standard account of the phone? Is this possible? Any advice? thx
  18. I have been using Enpass for a year or so now and have had excellent results with syncing against my personal Owncloud server. I am now interested in deploying Enpass at my workplace for those who wish to leverage a password manager. Obviously, my personal Owncloud instance is not suitable for this purpose. Our company uses Microsoft Office 365 and, as a consequence, OneDrive for Business. Unfortunately it appears that the OneDrive support within Enpass is for the personal version of OneDrive, not OneDrive for Business. Even more unfortunately, Microsoft appears to have disabled WebDAV on OneDrive for Business, so I can't work around this limitation that way. Are there any plans to support OneDrive for Business with Enpass cloud sync? If so, is there any timeline for this support? We would prefer to use OfB for several reasons, namely that we already use it and our users are familiar with it, we're paying for it, and because other cloud storage providers such as Dropbox, iCloud and Google Drive are explicitly blocked at many of our clients' sites.
  19. Hello. Enpass cloud sync using OneDrive usually works very well for me. But this morning I experienced the problem of some changes made in the traditional Win32 desktop application not syncing to other devices (Windows tablet and Lumia 950). When I tried manual sync, the phone and tablet would fail repeatedly. "Last attempt" time updated, but "Last synchronized" date remained old. Then, I opened the Windows 10 UWP app on my PC, entered the same changes I had made in the Win32 app, manually sync'ed, then tried to sync the phone and tablet again--and they both worked! So, it appears the Win32 application causes problems with cloud sync in my case--although the cause and workaround could be different for others. Desktop: W10 1607 build 10.0.14393.187 | Enpass (UWP) 5.1.6 | Enpass (Win32) Tablet: W10 1607 build 10.0.14393.187 | Enpass (UWP) 5.1.6 Phone: W10 1607 build 10.0.14393.189 | Enpass (UWP) 5.1.6
  20. Hi I've just installed Enpass on my Debian box (Debian/sid), using the provided .deb. All works well, but when I head to the sync options, choosing any cloud provider won't open their credentials/login webpage. So I can't connect Enpass to any cloud on my PC Any tips to solve this issue ? thanks
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