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Abhishek Dewan

Enpass team member
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Posts posted by Abhishek Dewan

  1. Hi @thowa

    I completely understand your point.

    Adding a Keyfile to an already existing vault -

    Your computer can create a Keyfile that can be added to your mobile device with the help of a QR code that appears on your screen. Kindly refer to the steps in this link to add Keyfile to an already existing Vault.

    Moving Items from a vault without a keyfile to a vault secured with a keyfile -

    This can be achieved by exporting your vault in .json format (Enpass Desktop app Menu (Hamburger Icon) -> File -> Export) which isn't protected by a keyfile and then importing the data (Enpass Desktop app Menu (Hamburger Icon) -> File -> Import) in the vault which is protected by the keyfile.

  2. Hi @mrc247 @ithinkiam

    I can certainly understand your disappointment in this matter.

    We tried to reproduce the bug on our end but our testing team could not replicate it. Kindly try the below steps once and share your findings with me -

    1. Take a backup of the Enpass Data
    2. Erase Everything
    3. Restore using the backup file
    4. Sync the Vault with the Dropbox Account.

    Your cooperation in this case is appreciated.

  3. Hi @coryb

    Currently, we are providing 32-bit builds that can run on all architectures, natively or emulated. We have ported the Enpass code to Qt6, and technically we can produce native builds for arm64. However, there is still a lot to do from the migration and deployment side. Rest assured, our development team is working on it, and I have also shared your comments as feedback with them. Your patience in the meantime is appreciated.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  4. Hi @AJ_Enpass @LBrabham

    Welcome to the Enpass Forums.

    As suggested by @Samuela,  could you please check if you are using any network sniffing app? Getting "SSL certificate validation failed error" means you are running any Network sniffing tools ( ex: fiddler). That means, if any network sniffing tools are running in the background the following process will stop working:

    1. User will be unable to activate Enpass.

    2. If user has enabled "use Website icon" option from customized settings, then this error will occur.

    Apart from this it will also impact below-mentioned functionalities -

    • “Check for update" process will not work

    • " Breached/2fA” items not fetched.

  5. Hi @PaulLesser

    Welcome to the Enpass Forums.

    At the moment, we do not accept cryptocurrency as a payment method. However, I have duly noted your comments for further consideration.

    In the meantime, to help you with this situation, I advise you to contact someone (family, friends living overseas ) to purchase a gift license via our official website. This way, the user will not be reliant on stores.


  6. Hi @mrc247 @ithinkiam

    If the synchronization is stuck in an endless loop on the Desktop Enpass app, then try the below steps -

    1. Go to Enpass Desktop application → Wifi-Sync → Start Wifi-Sync → Select the Vault with the Dropbox issue.

    2. It will ask you if you wish to disconnect from Dropbox and use WiFi-Sync. Please choose yes, then close Enpass and reopen.

    3. Then visit the same Wifi-Sync page → Disconnect Wifi-Sync. Now, your DropBox cloud account should be disconnected from the vault.

    Once done, please refer to the steps I shared in my previous post.

    Otherwise, try creating a manual backup of your Enpass data and reinstall the app. If none of the steps work, please share the version of the Enpass app and OS you are using of all the devices on which you are facing this issue and I'll have this further investigated.

  7. Hi @Defeasible Logic

    Could you please check once the total size these files are taking? These files ensure smooth functioning of the application. However, if they are again taking 41GB space, I'll forward this concern to our testing team for a thorough investigation of this issue.

  8. Hi @mrc247

    For troubleshooting purposes, please follow the below steps. Let me know if the issue persists -

    1. Turn off the sync from all device.
    2. Open Dropbox in any browser --> App --> Open Enpass Folder --> Select vault.enpassdbsync file --> Rename it as oldvault.enpassdbsync.
    3. Open Enpass and enable sync with the Dropbox on all the devices.

    Note - We request you to refrain from posting on multiple forums, as you have already created a thread for the issue you are facing. Please follow this forum for more assistance and updates. We appreciate your kind understanding in this case.

  9. Hi @newuser

    Thank you for trying the troubleshooting steps.

    I would like to share that authentication is required when you autofill on any app/webpage in the iOS Enpass app. For ease of use, you can set up Face ID/PIN in your Enpass app Settings -> Security -> Auto Locking. Otherwise, kindly create a short video of the concern and share it with us at support@enpass.io. Our team will analyze it and get back to you.

  10. Hi @ithinkiam

    For troubleshooting purposes, please ensure that the passwords on your mobile device are up to date. Then reinstall the Enpass app on your desktop device and restore your data via your Dropbox cloud account. If the issue persists, please share a screenshot of any error occurring while synchronizing via Dropbox and I'll have this further investigated for you.

  11. Hi @all    

    We forwarded this concern to our dedicated team, and they were able to reproduce the bug on their end. Our development team is now working on a fix as their priority, and a patch addressing this issue will be released soon. Apologies for the hassles caused in this matter, and we appreciate your cooperation in the meantime.

  12. Hi @Rashid

    Welcome to the Enpass Community!

    As Enpass is an offline password manager, the data is stored locally on the device. As per the requirements of the user, they can synchronize their Enpass data to make it accessible on multiple devices/share it with a different user. Moreover, your cloud works only as a storage medium and no cryptographic operation (encryption or decryption) is performed there. All such operations are performed locally on your device.

    Therefore according to the scenario you mentioned, the person with whom you have shared data will need to delete it manually from their end even after you have revoked access to the WebDAV server as it is not possible to access the shared vault without storing it on the device first. For more information, please refer to this link.

  13. Hi @Onotseike

    We thoroughly investigated the issue but couldn't replicate it on our end. As previously mentioned, it seems that you are trying to merge two different databases. For example, if your primary vault contains your personal passwords and you try to synchronize that vault with your Hotmail account, which already has your work-related passwords, then this error occurs.

    Therefore, please connect your vault with your personal passwords to the cloud account that contains your personal passwords, and your vault with your work-related passwords to the cloud account that contains your work-related passwords.

  14. Hi @firewally

    We were able to partially reproduce the reported issue where the Inline Menu is not appearing on the mentioned webpage. However, to proceed further with the investigation where you are unable to use Enpass Extension from the toolbar, we require some additional information - 

    1. Device information: Macbook version and Chipset.
    2. Is it possible for you to share a short video of the part where you are unable to use Extension from the toolbar and have to restart the application? You can share the video with us at support@enpass.io and mention this forum.
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