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0x803F8001:"Enpass Password Manager is currently not available in your account"


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As much as I love Enpass as a product it should not rely on the Microsoft store to work, this is a major issue and I can guarantee that 99% of Enpass users did not know that, and since it is sold as an offline solution its time to look for another option.

"Enpass Password Manager is currently not available in your account. Make sure you are signed in to the Microsoft Store and try again. Here's the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F8001"

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I installed the non MS Store version of the app, I have access to my vault again. For some reason the app now says that Windows Hello is not available. I sure hope the non MS Store version will get Windows Hello support as well.

Edited by Mokaraa
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29 minutes ago, silk101 said:

As much as I love Enpass as a product it should not rely on the Microsoft store to work, this is a major issue and I can guarantee that 99% of Enpass users did not know that, and since it is sold as an offline solution its time to look for another option.

"Enpass Password Manager is currently not available in your account. Make sure you are signed in to the Microsoft Store and try again. Here's the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F8001"

The problem is that for Windows Hello support (so you can log in with fingerprint for example) requires to have the MS Store version installed, as that's the only version that actually supports Windows Hello. It's unknown to me why there is a difference in the MS Store app vs the non MS Store app.

Source: https://support.enpass.io/app/setup/kb/troubleshoot_windows_hello_or_touch_id_is_not_enabled_on_this_device_error.htm



I also just checked my Windows Hello settings, it had an error there as well about authentication / verification. I ran through the verification and Hello is working again, but I still can't install the Enpass MS Store version of the app.

Edited by Mokaraa
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Same issue here ... Windows Web version works with backup, but sync with Onedrive does not not work (unexpected timeout).

As this I am using Enpass on company notebook, "Windows Hello" is disabled by admin. But this worked fine since this latest update ...

It is really pity ... a lot of workloads to get access to the passwords and no support by Enpass :-(

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Uffff, what a big mess and very very bad management of it... 48 hours later they even don't know where they are...

As a password management app, Enpass should be designed as flawless possible and must have different guaranteed ways of access to its content, very strong procedures for development, tests, roll up deployment and roll back if necessary. Those are mandatory points. Sadly, Synew have not considered them.

When a critical app fails it must be only for very very short time and the provider must give very good management of it, specially providing workarounds or rolling back last version from public repositories, in this case Windows Store. In this case Microsoft or Synew have been unable to mobilize resources to restore/roll back the app in term of minutes/hours to recover the service.

All I can do is to learn from this and:

1.- Never again will use password apps from Windows Store. It seems that when app on store has a problem the installed app does not run neither.

2.- Store backups of Enpass web on different devices/cloud.

2.- I'm going to use Enpass only to store silly passwords on non-critical level services.

I've even unable to post in this forum due to Enpass auto generated password for my account, which I can't remember -like dozens of them- of course, this is why I use Enpass!

Where is Enpass support team? They're absolutely missing... What a pitty...

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18 minutes ago, norlue said:

Same issue here ... Windows Web version works with backup, but sync with Onedrive does not not work (unexpected timeout).

As this I am using Enpass on company notebook, "Windows Hello" is disabled by admin. But this worked fine since this latest update ...

It is really pity ... a lot of workloads to get access to the passwords and no support by Enpass :-(

Hi @norlue,

I've been able to sync web app with Onde Drive, on firts attempt I had some problems with vault password. It was responding bad password, but after clicking to make a step backwards and selecting One Drive again as cloud service I was able to go in sync.

Hope it can help you.


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Given that it seems to be linked to Windows Hello and the access methods, is there a way to change Enpass settings without opening it? (in some text or xml file?)

I would be fine in entering the main password instead of using the finger till they fix it...

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The fact that there isn't any proper communication from the developers is highly concerning to me as a paid customer. Proper communication would have gone a long way to calm your userbase. Very unhappy with this debacle. 

If it's that big of an issue you should have an announcement banner on your website so people don't have to go grasping at straws, as to what the issue is.

Not everyone will go check twitter like i did:



I solved the issue by installing the non-store version for now.

Enpass you need to step up your communication game if you don't want to loose your customerbase.

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I have the same problem and update all things with no help. But resolved by updating my notebook's below software to latest version as:  "Intel Management Engine Firmware - 10 (1703 or Later)/11 (21H2 or Later) -" and then Enpass microsoft store version now restore to normal


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26 minutes ago, Manish Chokwal said:

Hi @all,

In light of what we've stated earlier, this appears to be an issue with Microsoft App Store, which we've escalated to them. Besides Enpass Team contacting them, I'll also keep this thread updated with any developments. Again, thank you for being patient and supporting us.


if you guys can already tell at this point: What can be done to prevent this from happening again in the future?


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28 minutes ago, Manish Chokwal said:

Hi @all,

In light of what we've stated earlier, this appears to be an issue with Microsoft App Store, which we've escalated to them. Besides Enpass Team contacting them, I'll also keep this thread updated with any developments. Again, thank you for being patient and supporting us.

Hi @Manish Chokwal, as you can expect - your statement is not appreciated - as stated many times here - where was your support in time of need? where is at least the help of posting workarounds? You can stick thanks for patience and support you know where. How would you feel to be stranded only with one password - to you vault that is useless because you cat access it! You wasted 3 hours of my work time - after disfunction in matter of days you can keep your statements to yourself.

No matter what you will say, at this point we all know, that we cannot trust you, you are not able to provide any guarantees about supporting you users. Your strategy is to quietly sit in the corner and then if some miracle happens and problem is solved start shouting hey fellas everything is good and great, it's wasn't our problem, nothing happened, thanks you are great.

you should really start thinking about your services..

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