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Abhishek Dewan

Enpass team member
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Posts posted by Abhishek Dewan

  1. Hi @bruno

    For quick troubleshooting, I recommend you check this highly useful troubleshooting guide. I would also suggest re-installing the app once. If the instructions in the above link do not help, kindly share the below details with me and I’ll get this investigated for you -

    1. The version of the Enpass app and OS you are using on your current device and your previous device as well.
    2. Please share a screenshot of the error messages you are getting.
    3. Do you have Enpass application on any other of your devices and are you able to access your data? Is the master password working on those devices or are you accessing the Enpass app through biometrics/Face ID? Also share the cloud service (if any) you are using to synchronize your data.
    4. The number of vaults you had in your Windows 7 Enpass app.
  2. Hi @paulsiu

    I will gladly assist you with all your queries -

    "I notice that there are multiple version of the Enpass portable: Mac, Windows, and Linux..." -

    Depending on the OS you are using (Windows/Linux/Mac), please download the relevant version. Once done, kindly follow the instructions provided in the manual installation folder.

    "What is the recommendation for the data files, should I sync with the cloud version or should I just export to a separate vault?" -

    You can synchronize your Enpass data normally like you do in the Desktop version of the app via any cloud service of your choice.

    "How would the product work on a Chromebook" -

    Enpass portable is currently available for Windows, Linux and Mac only. For Chromebook, you can simply download the Enpass app from the Google PlayStore.

  3. Hi @rorywohl

    Thank you for sharing the details.

    We were able to reproduce the bug on our end due to which this issue is occurring, and our team is now working on a fix. While we work on fixing this glitch, could you please confirm once you get this error, does the connection between the app and extension gets established automatically or do you have to manually disable/enable the 'Autofill in Chrome browser ( beta)' option from Enpass Autofill settings?

  4. Hi @rorywohl

    Our team of experts is looking into this concern for you. However, they require some additional information on this matter. Could you please confirm when you click on the Enpass Extension Icon, does it show any error message, or does clicking on Enpass extension doesn’t perform any action?

    We appreciate your cooperation in this case.

  5. Hi @spike

    After enabling the 'Backup Automatically' Setting in Enpass, in addition to having your Enpass data stored in your cloud service of choice, you can create local backups of your Enpass data for recovery purposes.

    To restore the Enpass data on your new device from the cloud account, on the welcome screen of the Enpass application on your device, choose Restore Existing -> Cloud account to which you synced the details above → Enter Vault password → Continue . All the passwords will be synced to your device. In case you are getting any error, please share a screenshot of the error message and I'll assist you further with the concern.

  6. Hi @nicos18

    Our development team is aware of the demand for this feature and it may be included in future Enpass releases even though we have not yet received any specific version updates. We appreciate your kind patience and support in the interim.

    Additionally, you can also follow the below mentioned forum as it is dedicated to passkey support and any information related to this features implementation will be shared on it -


  7. Hi @aikon

    Enpass version 6.8.5 (1256) is the version available from the AppStore, and it must be updated from the Mac AppStore. Kindly try doing so and share your findings with me.

    Also, it seems that you may have accidentally downloaded both versions of Enpass; from Mac AppStore and our website. To avoid confusion, I would suggest keeping either the Mac AppStore or the website version.

  8. Hi @Francisco Cardoso

    Welcome to the Enpass Forums.

    I will gladly assist you with all your queries.

    "Cannot have more than two vaults open on Android Client" - 

    Kindly ensure that you are registered on the Android version of the app with the email address associated with a Pro or Premium license. Although Enpass is free to use on Desktop devices, there are certain restrictions when you use the free version on mobile devices like limited Vaults, limited Items etc.

    If the issue persists, please share the version of the Enpass app and OS you are using, along with a screenshot of the error.

    "Unable to sync the android client with google vaults"  -

    For troubleshooting purposes, please create a manual backup of your Enpass data then follow the below steps –

    1. Remove the synchronization from all the connected devices. While doing so, you will also get an option to 'Delete data from Google Drive'. Please proceed with it and after doing it, enable the synchronization again.
    2. Ensure that you have allowed access to Enpass in your Firewall/Antivirus Settings. Moreover, if you are using any VPN service, try disabling it to check if the issue persists.

    If the issue persists, please share the below details -

    1. The version of the Enpass app and OS you are using.
    2. Any Firewall/Antivirus/VPN service you are using.
    3. A screenshot of the error occurring would be helpful.
  9. Hi @aikon

    Welcome to the Enpass Forums.

    You can download the Enpass app on your Mac from either the Mac AppStore or our official website. If you have downloaded the app from the Mac AppStore, you can update the app by going to the Enpass store page on the AppStore. If in case you are using the website version, you can update the app by going to Enpass app -> Menu bar --> Help --> Check for Updates.


    Additionally, the backup file's password can either be the vault password (if it's a backup of a secondary vault) or the master password (if it's a backup of the Primary Vault or multiple vaults, including the Primary Vault).


  10. Hi @CeePeeBee

    Could you please confirm if you tried the steps I shared in this post? If not, kindly try them and share your findings with me -

    1. Ensure that you have ticked the checkbox for AUTOFILL IN CHROME BROWSER under Enpass app Settings → Autofill.
    2. That you have allowed access to Enpass in your Antivirus/Firewall/VPN settings. Also try disabling them to see if the issue persists. (If you are using such services, do share their names)

    3. Also, try clearing the cache and cookies of the browser.

    If the issue persists, please share the version of the Enpass app and OS you are using.


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